V torek, 17. 1. 2017, smo se nadarjeni učenci od 6. do 9. razreda odpravili v Ljubljano. Napotili smo se v Cankarjev dom, kjer smo si ogledali muzikal Alica v Čudežni deželi. Režiral ga je Matjaž Latin, v originalu pa zgodbo zapisal Lewis Carrol.

Govoril je o dekletu, ki je stekla za zajčkom v Čudežno deželo, in njenih prigodah tam. Srečala je veliko oseb, ampak se je na koncu postavila pravici v bran in skoraj ostala brez življenja. Ugotovila je, da je Čudežna dežela kruta, in je bila zelo vesela, ko je ugotovila, da so bile le sanje. Pa so bile res?

Muzikal mi je bil zelo všeč, saj so se vsi nastopajoči (dijaki II. Gimnazije v Mariboru) zelo dobro odrezali in odlično opravili svojo nalogo. Govorili so razločno, všeč mi ni bilo le, da so zamujali nadnapisi. Priporočam vam ogled, saj vam ne bo nikoli žal, če si vzamete čas zanj.

Nika Bajić, 7. a

On 17th January 2017 talented pupils from the 6th to 9th classes went to Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana to see the musical Alice in the Wonderland. It was directed by Matjaž Latin, but the original story was written by Lewis Carrol. It was about a girl who came to the Wonderland because of the little white rabbit. She came into the most mad place in the world and she was in a lot of different situations there. She met many people, like the White Queen, the Red Queen, the Mad Hatter, Humpty-Dumpty and others. I think that it was really great because there was a lot of the effort filled in it. I enjoyed it and I recommend it to you all…

Nika Bajić, 7. a



Subject matters can get a bit boring for pupils if they only study in school. It isn’t interesting to just sit in the class and listen to teachers all school year. In my opinion, students should learn certain subject variously. So that’s what we did on 17th January. Our teachers English and Slovene of  took us to Ljubljana. We travelled there to watch a musical called Alice in Wonderland performed by the students of 2nd gimnazija Maribor high school.

The play was about Alice who was listening to a story that her older sister was reading and then fell asleep. She dreamed about imaginary characters, such as the White rabbit, a turtle, cards, queen and a king, a duchess and so on. That world was full of imagination, in my opinion even a bit intimidating. However she was soon to realise that everything was only a dream.

I like watching musicals. In fact, they are my favorite performances  to watch because they combine dancing, singing and acting. It’s lovely to see how energy of the actors flows throut the room and catches their audience. I admire these students. They managed to study for school and along that produce the musical. You could simply feel the passion that they had. And that’s the beauty of live performances.

Nana Mihelčič, 9. b
